First Impressions: Black Ops 2

If you're reading this right now you didn't buy Black Ops 2 or you're just one of those people who likes to read these. But for those of you who didn't buy Black Ops 2 yet, here's my impressions after 1 round of online multiplayer and the first campaign missions.


Online hasn't changed a lot, except for the fact that the HUD looks completely different. It took me a minute to realize what everything was, but the futuristic overall looks sharp and fairly easy to understand once you figure it out.

I was placed in a hardpoint match on Nuketown 2025 and I must say that map creates some interesting site lines for hardpoint matches. Overall the map was entertaining and I was constantly battling someone.

The online function worked amazing. I don't quite understand how Call of Duty has always been working so well at launch while every other game breaks the system or their internet functions are barely functioning.


The campaign is starting off kind of weird. In terms of Black Ops, it repeats is strange method of flashbacks. This time it's told through the eyes of Woods who was rescued by Mason in the past. That's where your first missions starts. And should I say this, the first mission is weird. It's as if they are trying to mix you into the dialog by making you interact with it. I felt it could have easily been flashbacks and narrative to tell us the story. 

The mission was full of moments of flash and explosions. It was on the edge constantly and never really let the new FPS gamer get into the groove. Unfortunately, it appears COD Black Ops 2's pacing may be a bit poor. 

There you have it, our first 2 Hours of Black Ops 2. It seems to be a great online again, I just wish CODcasting didn't need an 8-page guide (it's really difficult but we'll try and break it down for you) (Note- It might be easier if we aren't trying to do it at 1:30 am). 

How is everyone else liking it? Give us a final review if you have one, if not stay tuned for ours and look out for Goblowsoup on Xbox live! 

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