EA Making Another Basketball Game?

Rumors are swirling after EA Canada sent out a questionnaire, which can be found here. Is it another NBA title like Live or Jam, or is it something completely different?

The survey asks how often you play current sports games, 2K13 is the select basketball game mentioned....not NBA Jam. This leads me to believe it's another simulation title, although EA says they are already planning to release NBA Live again this year (they said that last year and cancelled it 2 weeks before release). EA also shipped Live's franchise down to Orlando (Tiburon), even though EA Canada (Vancouver) worked on the franchise prior to it's cancellation in 2011. Could this mean a whole new franchise to replace Live if it fails again?

While EA has inadvertently mentioned new "franchises" coming soon, there's good reason to believe that these "franchises" might be revisits to previous games.

Most of the rumors point EA bringing back NBA Street or the likes for a next gen launch. EA did this for this gen with Fight Night Round 3 and NBA Street Homecourt.  Fight Night, which we last saw in 2011, was a major launch title for the Xbox 360. NBA Street or NFL Street (NFL Tour) hasn't been seen since early this gen.

With SSX returning to form, could we see the EA Big lineup returning with a new NBA Street on PS4 and the new Xbox? 


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