New Feature: "Train Wreck of the Week"


Oh the things you find on the internet that will easily waste your time. Fortunately for most of us, those things that waste our time are enjoyable and fun. However, every once in awhile you find something so bad that you can't stop watching. It's like a train wreck. No one wants a train to wreck to happen, but what you watch can be fairly fascinating.

So, we'll try this new thing for our site called the Train Wreck of the Week. For our first entry for Train Wreck of the Week isn't a single site or video, but a channel on YouTube.

The person behind this channel was partially responsible for one of the biggest blunders in recent years. That blunder is better known as "Friday" by Rebecca Black. "Friday" brought fame to both her producers and herself. Rebecca Black has been on TV shows and was even featured in a Katy Perry song. It was easily a popularity boost to both groups and could potentially launch careers of others in the future.

The reason this is our Train Wreck of the Week is because of it's return to glory in recent weeks with Nicole Westbrook's song "It's Thanksgiving" produced by one of the co-producers of "Friday", Patrice Wilson. Not only is Westbrook's song similar to that of "Friday", but it's also pretty bad. It's not nearly as catchy as Friday and not nearly as original.

While you're checking out "It's Thanksgiving" please check out the other songs on Patomuzic's channel. For a quick link, follow the video below.



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