Why GRID 2 Just Became My Most Wanted for 2013

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I'm baaaaacccckkk! And I'm back with the newest thing to go on my most wanted list. Let's be honest, GRID 2 was on my list before today but it was like 10th on the list. I loved the first GRID, I remember buying it during a sale at Toys R Us with the original Uncharted. It was a game I took a chance on, and I've never regretted it. I bought it a second time for my Xbox, and I almost bought it on PC.

Now GRID wasn't the greatest racing game in terms of Simulation, but in terms of pure racing excitement, GRID was everything a racing fan wants. It had drifting, prototypes, open wheels and sports cars. It had a cool team element that let you pick another driver to boost your ranking. It gave you more credits for racing in-car and was the first to make that element worthy of a shot.

Unfortunately it had one of the most sensitive physics engines and was a pain in the rear to use a proper wheel with (until you found the perfect settings). It didn't float you around like Need For Speed Shift, but it was so tight that you had a lot of front wheel steering (something SimRaceway and Codemasters titles continue to have) instead of proper steering.

With GRID 2 I was excited, but I wasn't floored about the announcement. I was hoping Codemasters would focus on a new game, perhaps a return to IndyCar since the rumors were flying that they still owned the license. We all know how much effort they put into the F1 title, and with a similar style of racing would be an easy transition. But no, Codemasters went back to GRID, and it's hard to blame them. It was a huge success and was largely regarded better than Gran Turismo Prologue (which launched the same year).

However, there was a bit of news that hit the world this morning that has me extremely excited. That news came thanks to two sources: Best Buy and IndyCar. That news is that Codemasters has announced a special IndyCar edition that is available only by preorder at Best Buy.

The "IndyCar" Edition comes with the Dallara IndyCar, a Pace Car, 2 Indianapolis Motor Speedway routes, and a special online event. Now, it's fair to say that this is purely a DLC pack and is likely a Best Buy timed exclusive. The same comes for Gamestop's DLC bonus that includes special Brands Hatch routes and a GTR.

But news of this IndyCar DLC is enough for me. Put me down for $60 plus tax, this just became my biggest and most anticipated title this year. Not to mention, more news is coming out for this title tomorrow. So stay tuned for more gameplay footage and news about this title coming out in May. 


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